Wednesday 4 April 2018


Mary Ayers led an alternate hike along the West Toronto Rail Path and into High Park. 23 members participated and experienced similar weather conditions as the Oakville group. Wind being the major factor. The hike commenced from the Dundas West Station

At the Henderson Brewery. Too early to drink!

Stanley becomes "Leader of the Pack"

Mary trys another mode of travel

Along the Rail Path

Rest stop and group photo

Tucking into Chicken Noodle Soup at the High Park Grenadier Restaurant

Mary, Irene and Son dine Al Fresco

After lunch things got worse weatherize, howling winds, vertical snow but all worth the effort of accessing Mary's secret trail towards Ellis Ave and down to the Queensway, then around the south end of Grenadier Pond. Finishing up at Mackenzie's Pub

Rene off to the TTC after completing 18,000 steps resulting in tired feet.

Thanks to Rene for providing the photos and text

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