Wednesday 18 April 2018


Members can be seen adjusting their clothing and getting acclimatized to the Far East as they await the arrival of today's hike leader at Ajax Go Station. The weather was cloudy and 3 degrees complete with a chilly breeze

Jim Mallon "San", our Leader, appeared in a timely fashion to await the final arrivals from out west

Once all 34 members were on site Jim gave the group their marching orders

Paul volunteered to Sweep and Liliane to count

Leaving the GO Station heading south to the Lake

At first we had to negotiate crossing Bayly Street

Janice get's stranded halfway

We passed an impressive Greek Orthodox Church

 Leaving the traffic behind and entering into the serenity of several Parks

Sloshing about in the Slush

Obstacle course

Water Break

Passing Jim's abode 

Walking the Trans Canada Trail

Pee, snack and playtime break at the Rotary Park

Ann dares the Mary, Doris and Evelyn to have a go on the slide

Plucking up courage

Passing Duffins Marsh

Bridge not too far!

Proof it's still winter

Trees fall victim to the Emerald Ash Borer

Our initial exposure to the Pickering Nuclear Power Plant

Bringing up the rear

Fall out for a Heavy Water Break

Safety in numbers

Rare photo of Bobbie

Radiating past the Nuclear Plant

Mutants leaving the Plant

Luckily they remembered to turn right

Heading for lunch at Millennium Square

Beach, No Picnic

Janos is happy to have his own table

  Check out them roots!

Brrrrr, it's nippy after lunch

Nautical Village

A brief visit along the east side of Frenchman's Bay

Wood you believe it

Ira's happy to call it a day at the finish line

Not so for some who need to deactivate by taking liquid refreshment

Cheers! to Jim

The distance today was 13 km

Thank you Jim for taking us on a most enjoyable walk through the lesser known areas of the waterfront way out in the east end. It sure was worth the journey. The pub too was perfect watering hole for a bunch of discerning Seniors. Thank you Paul for sweeping and Liliane for counting

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