Wednesday 25 April 2018


28 "Rainy Day People" gathered at Rosedale Station for today's Senior Hike 

Rene led the group complete with a sprig of Forsythia in her hat. Her intention was to show the bushes in bloom, alas the weather did not play ball?

Leaving the station we took the steps down to Rosedale Ravine

Perhaps a a tribute to Alloura Wells. She was murdered and her body was found in Rosedale Ravine

 The Scilla plants are one of the first to bloom

Walking through Rosedale to view how the other half live

Rene was photographed at this same tree when she was a teenager, the tree looks older

Leaving Craigleigh Gardens we took the slippery slope down to Rosedale Valley Road

The covered bridge carrying the subway line 

A real slippery bit

Crossing busy Rosedale Valley Road

Leaving the road for the steps up to Wellesley Park

Rene so excited to find a Forsythia coming into bloom

Riverdale Farm toilet break

Taking steps down to Riverdale Park West

Bridgepoint Health Centre comes into view, our lunch destination

Crossing over the DVP

Nearly there

Incredible art at the Health Centre entrance

Out of the rain with soup and coffee

Assembling at the Gerrard St exit

Back on the road again

Crossing Gerrard with the Don Jail in the background

Murals along the wall of the Humane Society

Soon to be dedicated to Doug Ford

Either like it or hate it

Street art under the Gardiner

Corktown sculptures

What's this one about? Thanks to Mary Ayers it's a collection of lampposts from various municipalities put together after the amalgamation of Toronto. The lamps are lit at night

Crossing Cherry St

Passing through the Distillery District

Love Locks

Group photo, feel the love

Orange is the new fad

Passing Sugar Beach

Sugar Ship

Posing for a reflection

Last leg along Queens Quay

Ah! the Pub, a welcome sight

Cheers to Rene

My foot hurts

Beer takes away the pain

It rained for the entire duration of the hike! Rene's route and commentary brightened our day turning it into a most enjoyable journey from Rosedale to Queens Quay. The lunch and Pub venues were first class. Yet another winner