Wednesday 13 December 2017


On Monday Ann and I pre-hiked todays official one. I thought you might be interested in viewing the photos I took. Quite the contrast in the weather between the two days.

Colourful Murals under the Subway Bridge

Crossing the stream

Swans breaking through the ice

Crossing the Humber Bay Bridge

Birds & Animals along the way

Resting up until Christmas Eve

Barbary Sheep with babies

Got my beady eye on you

Beauty & The Beast 

Now back to today's meeting at the Old Mill a.k.a "The Bladder Works". Despite the sub zero temperature 43 members turned out for Ann's trip down the Humber and up to High Park

"Can you hear me"?

" I Can hear you"

On the Bridge Parapet is a marker showing the level the water reached during Hurricane Hazel

We paused to make sure Jutta was OK after falling. Fortunately she was OK but will probably end up with a sore knee by the end of the day

Doug wishing he was back in Vietnam

The forward party

Lining up to cross the stream and be counted.

Barry & Evelyn tripping the "Light Fantastic"

"Steppin' Out" trying to stay behind the leader

Tonie,  "The Lady in Black". Little did we know what was underneath until we got to the Pub!

Group Photo

Discussing the aerodynamic properties of Icers with Jutta

Geriatrics and Graffiti 

Ann leads the way over the Humber Bay Bridge

Followed by the group

Fine view of downtown from the Bridge

Taking the Lakeshore east

Heading towards the Grenadier Restaurant

Warming up with a bowl of soup

Lunch over, out we go!

Not many animals about today at the Zoo except the West Highland Cattle modelling the perfect winter coat

Walking past the Cherry Trees. Roll on Spring!

"If you go down in the woods today"

Ira chatting with his friend Steve

The immaculately dressed Mr. Stanley Keil

Visiting Ben "The Bird Man" who founded this bird sanctuary and passed away in 2014. His longtime friend continues to tend to the birds

Coming to the end

Time for a pint and a "chin wag"

Toasting Ann enjoying her free pint. Ann and I had a bet on the number of members participating today. Deservedly she won, Cheers Ann.

Wow! what a colourful Blouse. She turned into "The Lady in Red"

Today's route 

At the end of the day the consensus was another enjoyable hike led by Ann, a stalwart of this Club and to Tom for his diligent care at the back. Not forgetting Liliane for her accurate bi-lingual count. 

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