Wednesday 6 December 2017


Despite a chilly breezy day with spells of sunshine 64 participants met at the Davisville Station for today's hike. The Leader, Dorit Zschape, herded the throng of Seniors into Oriole Park before imparting the day's itinerary

Dorit also announced that today was St. Nicholas Day and she generously had brought a large bag of candies for the group to suck on!

Today was also Bobbie Ardell's Birthday to which the Senior Hiking Choir sang "Happy Birthday"

Ann then stood up to give some important winter do's and dont's. Do remember to pee at the outset. Know that Washrooms are closed during the winter months. Don't block entrances at Subway Stations (today was an example) Be considerate, it's a dying practice!

Rene volunteered to "Sweep" and handout the "Sweets"

Off we go crossing over Yonge Street on the Beltline Bridge

Then a sharp turn into Mt. Pleasant Cemetery

We made it out of the Cemetery without loosing anyone!

Crossing St. Clair Avenue

Strung out in David Balfour Park

Dorit makes a quick stop at the local Library

Rambling through Ramsden Park

Rok knows to stay behind his Missus

Approaching the lunch spot

A feeding frenzy at Cumberland Terrace

Cindy & John meet up with Merel

They don't look happy about their lunch?

Unlike these guys

Look's like bread and water for this table

Roger gives Daisy his answer do 

Rene & Roger pose at the rock in Yorkville

Passing by the ROM

 Strolling down Philospher's Walk

Crossing Hoskin Avenue by Trinity College

Passing through Soldiers Tower

Walking past Lash Miller Laboratories

Crossing College Street

Entering Kensington Market

Stanley "tickles Liliane's fancy"

Walking down Augustus Avenue

Spadina Avenue, the last crossing before the Pub

The Sinners route to Redemption

At the "Sin & Redemption Pub" with cheers to Dorit

Sinners looking for Redemption

Rok"s motto is "It takes Two"

These two "Lovelies" need no redemption

Thank you Dorit for an enjoyable days hiking and for the candies and fries. The pub was a keeper too. Loved the sinful choices of beers and the heavenly service. Thanks to Rene for Sweeping and Liliane for counting

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