Wednesday 15 November 2017


A cloudy and somewhat cool day did not deter 37 Seniors joining Monica Feran on her hike along the  West Humber River Trail and the grounds of the Humber Arboretum.

Monica's attention to detail did not leave any questions about the day's proceedings. You Sir at the back, are you listening?

Unlike this guy who at times is laughable

Kevin kindly volunteered to bring up the rear again!

A "Handy" start to the hike

Passing a flock of Canada Geese on the way

Happy Wanderers

The "Scot" sandwiched between the "Irish"

"A Bridge not too far"

"Look, we are in this green bit"

Going left

Off the beaten path

In to a field of dreams

And a river runs through it

My rod and my staff shall comfort me

The Golden Rod is no longer golden

Wearing Blue is a popular choice today

Ah! a short break before...

More Golden Rod

Tony with his extra long stick

"No Worries" for the two "Aussies"


Such a lovely "Poster Lady"

Water Break

Part of the mural under the Hwy 27 Bridge

At the Firefighters 9/11 Memorial we were shocked to see it was littered with garbage!

Up we go

Down we go


The 100 km Humber River, a name given by John Graves Simcoe. Maybe he thought he was "Back Home"

Berries for the Birds

One of our fashionable members with hat and handbag

Eager Beavers heading for lunch

Come on Ladies you'll be late for lunch

We lunched at the Humber College Campus which was almost devoid of students due to the Faculty being on strike. Fortunately Tim Hortons was open for coffee etc. 

After lunch we entered the grounds of the Arboretum

Tonie with her coffee to go

Back in the woods

Back in the Golden Rod

Come on you lot!

Coffee's getting cold

The end of the line

A Happy Monica at Mr. Greek

More happy folk

Cheers! to Monica

Drink affects people in different ways...


And just Happy

The members genuinely enjoyed Monica's hike. The route, lunch spot and the pub made the day into a memorable one. Monica kept up a suitable pace, especially with the help of designating posts at each turn. Thank you to Kevin for his "sweeping" duties and Ann for managing to count up to 37. I would also like thank Rene and Rosemary for their photo contributions

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