Wednesday 29 November 2017


Emerging from Line 4, the subway that seems to go nowhere!

Sheltering from the cold until the eleventh hour 

Charles "shepherding" the group

The starting point

Rosemary, today's leader, expelling the virtues of today's hike

65 participants listening intently?

Ann updating the group on Dorothy Yake

Off we jolly well go

Crossing the East Don River

My kind of grass

Catching some Rays

Taking a break before the hill

One athletic looking Leader

Catching our breath before lunch

Lunch at the Cummer Community Centre

Tom & Wendy 

Rose & Jutta

Stanley in pensive mood

One Happy Couple

Lunch is over

Rosemary with a spot of "Saturday Night Fever"

Back down to the trail

Now that's what I call staying behind the leader

"Mr. Sweep"

Leaving the Don Trail for the Finch West Trail

The long and winding road

Taking a shortcut

Lord Stanley sitting on his throne

Crossing Bayview Avenue

Looking happy as they begin to smell the hops

At the Puck & Wings

The route to the Pub

We seemed to be so fortunate with the weather on Wednesdays. Today did not disappoint adding to a most enjoyable hike led by Rosemary with sweeps by Charles & Kevin. Trying to count the masses, however, requires immense improvement! "SINGLE FILE PLEASE"

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