Wednesday 8 November 2017


Today under clear blue skies Charles Chaffey led 50 members on a new hike along the Gatineau Trail. It was named after the Great Gatineau Power Station built in the 1920's

The meeting point, Victoria Pk and O'connor Dr. Mary & Evelyn are seen embracing after being apart  far too long!

Charles imparts his knowledge of today's route. At least Rosemary is paying attention

Daring Seniors leaving the safety zone

The trail runs along the Hydro Corridor

And off we go together

Getting "strung out"

Waiting for the group at one of the several crossings

The gangs all here!

Heading towards Wexford Park

The woods at Wexford

The Big Oak Tree

Coming out of the Woods

Marching on "Refugee Style"

Stanley "I Presume"?

Reaching Lawrence Avenue we walked east to Rockford Blvd where we came upon a Dinosaur Parkette. These metal sculptures were produced by AC Waterjet. A company specializing in cutting metals.

Me and my previous life!

Happy to be out and about

Leaving the Parkette we followed the Massey Creek

Charles is seen shepherding his flock

The President is seen conversing with "Commoners"

Crossing the "Mighty Massey"

Lunch is nearby at Centennial College, Ashtonbee Campus

Time to eat

Back at it crossing the Ashtonbee Reservoir Park

Crossing at Victoria Park

Another Evelyn & Mary photo op

Following the corridor west of Victoria Park

Seniors over the hill!

Seniors going downhill

Charles leads us to the end of the trail

"Cheers" to Charles at the Watts Tavern in Eglinton Square 

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