Wednesday 27 September 2017


34 members met at the Rouge Hill Go Station and crossed the tracks to begin today's hike

Jim Mallon was the leader on another hot and humid day

Jim explained the route which included Rouge Beach, Petticoat Creek and Frenchman's Bay etc

The majority of the route was along the Waterfront Trail

While walking by the shore we enjoyed the breeze off the lake

Spot the "no no"?

At Rouge Beach we paused for a water break and met up with a further 6 members 

Crossing the bridge over the river estuary

We then entered into the region of Pickering

The club has an unwritten rule that members stay behind the leader otherwise they must lead a future hike. Can you recognize the new leaders?

They soon got back behind Jim

This is more like it, off the paved path and into the bush

Our destination off in the distance, a "Power Lunch"

Back on the path in time for another water break

After some road walking we re-entered the trail. Hikers in their "Golden Years" are seen wandering through a meadow of "Goldenrod"

Pausing for a photo

Heading towards our lunch 

Passing Frenchman's Bay

Lunch on the Beach

Three "Likely Lads"

Expecting rain!

"To eat or not to eat" that is the question

Mohammad talking to "ET"

What's this about?

Cooling off in the water

Rosemary's shows Patricia her impression of a Flamingo

Off he goes

And off we go with Doris dancing in the water

We stop for Jim to show the route we've taken on the map as we enter into Frenchman's Bay West Park

After a short detour along the bay and back, we  retraced our steps back to the Go Station with the "Sicily Sisters" up front

I was unable to go to the pub due to a logistics issue of getting there and back to the Go Station, however, Evelyn kindly provided these envious pictures. 

Two old Dogs

One Irish Sitter

Their smiling faces are proof of a most enjoyable day with a big thanks to Jim

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