Wednesday 20 September 2017


It was another unbelievable hot sunny day for today's Senior Hike. The meeting point was at the Library at Queen and Lee Streets


Where's our leader it's 11 o'clock

Stanley shows Irene how to make a spectacle of himself

Today's intrepid leader, complete with a new haircut, is Tony A

62 members participated and some are seen here listening to Tony's on stage performance

Heading East along the Boardwalk

Along the way these stone structures were worth a look

Some welcome shade before we head North

A helping hand to cross Queen Street 

Time for a water break before reaching Glen Stewart Park

Going under the bridge

Up the hill to reach Glen Stewart Ravine

Getting ahead to take a photo (courtesy of Doug P)

And this is in the City!

Susan is seen multi-tasking

Bloomin' steps

Heading back down the ravine

More smiles coming down the steps

Crossing over the bridge

Back into Glen Stewart Park

Good job we're not in the Army

Better close ranks

Crossing Queen Street again. Evelyn demonstrates how to drink and walk at the same time

Lunch and welcome break in the shade at Kew Gardens Park

Our version of sharing the path as we head West along the Boardwalk

We caught up with a lonely Turtle, Erica, taking a break after finishing her walk

A hazy view of the city from Woodbine Beach Park

Pausing for a group photo

Irene wanted her own


A pleasant 10 plus kilometre walk

Lots of pics at the Stone Lion Pub (courtesy of Rene)

It's definitely not fruit juice

Rose telling stories again

Thank you Tony. I'm sure everyone enjoyed the day

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