Wednesday 23 August 2017


It turned out once again another beautiful Wednesday for our Bus Hike to the Forks of the Credit. 38 smiling faces enjoyed the ride up to the starting point

Rosemary has just thanked our driver, Diana, for a pleasant drive

I gave the group a description of the trail, welcomed Ira's friend Larry and thanked Ann & Barry for their assistance on the pre-hike and for today. After my explanation of the terrain the Turtles Group swelled from 3 to 11

Susan kindly volunteered to complete the count with an ideal spot to facilitate an accurate number

And off we went following the Meadow Trail and passing Kettle Lake

We then took the Trans Canada Trail

We rejoined the Meadow Trail and walked through the picturesque trees

At the Bailey Bridge we paused to admire the view and take a group photo

Time for a water break before the challenge ahead

The challenge was climbing the 165 steps to reach the upper trail

Not many folks had the energy to smile during the climb, Germaine was an exception!

Now the going was easy following along a Bruce Trail Side Trail

Then the trail descended into the Credit Valley. It was tricky going but everyone made it down without incident as shown by a smiling Tonie

Time for lunch by the river

Guess what? Nothing like tackling the ascent back up the to the top on a full stomach! Doris put us all to shame by leaving us in the dust 

Normal mortals huffed and puffed their way to the top

Most of us needed to catch our breath once at the top

We soon picked part of Trans Canada Trail which was full of Milkweed, food for the Monarch Butterflies. Unfortunately we did not see too many

Now, we reached the end of the trail

Despite the short distance most of us agreed we had a decent workout with the elevation changes and of course those wonderful stairs

Back in the city a group of us decided to take our refreshments at The St. James Gate Pub.

In addition we toasted Evelyn on her ?? Birthday

Amidst the celebration Doris & Patricia drew blood over a flying wine glass! What are the odds? Today they had a greater chance of falling down the stairs or into the Credit River! Ah well, they go wild as soon as they enter a Pub!

Again a big thanks to Ann & Barry for making today another enjoyable Senior Hike

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