Wednesday 26 July 2017


 Today was Rosemary Wood's turn to lead us into temptation and deliver us to a Pub. Rosemary had pre-hiked the route and walking silently through the woods spotted this Deer. Unfortunately today we only encountered a bunch of "Old Dears"

63 members met at the North York Centre for the start of the Hike through parts of Willowdale

As we left we gazed with envy at the "Fountain of Youth"

Contrasted with entering the Cemetery!

Here at York Cemeteries Rosemary gave us the lowdown on today's proceedings

Not to be outdone Ann made a couple of announcements

Next on the agenda was the COUNT!

This how to do it in "single file". Below is the Senior Hikers way! Poor Germaine

Such nice place to end one's days

We crossed the road into another section of Cemetery

We paused for a water break at the Chinese Monument Display. We assume the monuments are for purchase but there was no price tags and cash and carry was not offered.

Leaving the "Netherworld" it was "into the woods we go" walking through the Hinder Property

Entering Earl Bales Park we had a further water break before taking a circuitous route through the park to our lunch destination

Before tackling the steep hill to the picnic tables Rosemary led us up a mini hill for acclimatization purposes

The Community Centre was closed for renovations hence dining Al Fresco. I always like meeting up with the Turtles, I admire them so much. Today 8 of them met us for lunch

By the look of these guys their lunch was not that exciting!

After lunch we headed back down the hill. Tony Asrilen can be seen modelling today's casual look for the senior hiker.

On the way we passed the Barry Zukerman Amphitheatre 

A walk up and through Bathurst Park brought us to the Prosserman Jewish Community Centre

We then entered the wilds of the Heathstone Valley Greenbelt where the narrow paths were flanked either side with tall grass and protruding branches. For some, including yours truly, the mosquitoes had a field day. Soon we reached a short steep slope with steps in poor condition

I was being bitten alive and failed in my executive duties by assisting some of the folks down the hill.  
This was the last shot I took as I ran down the trail to civilization

I also did a "no no" by leaving the group in an effort to get out of the woods and bugs. Consequently Ira and I, who also was with me, finished the hike at a different point while the group took an alternative trail. However, I did get to the pub, Mr. Greek, before a small contingency arrived 

Iron Woman Doris Youssef on her diet of Rickards Red and Sweet Potato Fries

Unfortunately I was too excited to start mapping today's route at the beginning and remembered when I was in the cemetery. I estimate the total distance to be around 12 km

Big thanks to Rosemary for leading us on a most interesting hike. I was unable to capture Rosemary's beauty today so hopefully you find this one to be just the ticket!

Love Ya

Wednesday 19 July 2017


It was a warm humid day for Rene to lead 64 members on a most interesting walk through various parts of the city

Rene giving everyone the details along with the do's and don'ts of hiking etiquette

"Now what she on about"

"Got it made in the shade" along the Beltline

Step-pin out with Stan

When you gotta go you gotta go!

Leaving the Beltline we traversed a few streets crossing Eglinton before we reached Cedarvale Park. We stopped to admire Dorit's umbrella with a shady character in the forefront.

Jill was turning left!

Meeting up with other "Walkers"

Now he's my best friend

Climbing up to lunch at Loblaws on St. Clair

Stanley making a "Bee Line" for a seat at Loblaws.

After lunch Rene took us on a circular tour of the exclusive area of Wychwood Park

The original home of Marshall McLuhan, famous for his media theory

The pond created by damning Taddle Creek

Controversial new home in the style of Frank Lloyd 

Passing the crowds at Casa Loma

Entering Spadina Gardens

Some took a break while others viewed the beautiful garden

Adam with Mum, Yolanta posing in the garden

Down the steps into Sir Winston Churchill Park

Before reaching the Republic of Rathnelly our beloved leader took a tumble in Popular Plains Park but with a few scrapes she was up and on her way to the Pub for some liquid medicine.

After the heat of day it was a delight to take the last few steps into the Quail Pub on Yonge St

Yours truly downing his first pint but is unable to keep with the "Champion Chugger of Ireland" and the "Cranberry Queen"

"Pint Size Patricia" trying everything

This how we got to the Pub

Thank you Rene, even though you fell down on the job, you took everyone on a memorable day out