Wednesday 19 April 2017


After an enjoyable ride to Guildwood on the Go Train Barry and I met Charles Chaffey, the hike leader for today's Senior Hike. The weather forecasted rain which supposedly reduce the number of participants to 29. Fortunately the rain was minimal giving us a shower at the start and at the end of the hike. Charles led us through Highland Creek Park and Mornigside Park before breaking for lunch at the U of T Scarborough Campus. 

After lunch we continued heading towards the lake following the Creek. Along the path we met Merel and two other Turtles coming from the opposite direction.

We reached Colonel Danforth Park where the Club had paid for a Sugar Maple Tree to be planted in honour of the Club Founder David Smith.

During the hike Charles pointed out several plants that were starting to appear, in particular, the Bloodroot was beginning to make a show.

We reached Lake Ontario after travelling through Highland Park Ravine.

We headed east following the shoreline to Port Union Village Common Park. Two groups formed at the Park, one continued to Rouge Hill Station and a set of "Boozers" barrelled off to Azumi Sushi for the likes of Asahi and Sapporo beers.

Wednesday 12 April 2017


Senior Hikers braved the cool, windy and cloudy day which took most of us by surprise. The previous days had been warm and sunny, nevertheless, 47 members joined the Leader, Claire Bergeron, at the LCBO at Burnhamthorpe Plaza.

We set off heading north to the Centennial Park Greenhouses. Those with bladder issues used the facilities while others viewed the impressive Easter Flower Display

We were surprised to see Merel and The Turtles

Claire marshalled the troops for the next leg heading around "Bills Hill" and on to the Golf Club for lunch

A welcome lunch break at Centennial Park Golf Club.

Leaving the Golf Course we headed west and crossed the city boundary into Mississauga.

Despite the smiling faces seen above members were soon relieved to be back in familiar territory.

Back in the city it was short dash to the Pub in the Plaza. Ann is seen supping on her pint rather than having her photo taken!

Monday 10 April 2017


Ann Atkins and I researched a new hiking route. The club in the past has arranged a Bus Hike to Bronte Creek but due to the unavailability of a driver we had to re-think a suitable replacement for May 17th. We thought about a Train Hike instead, using the GO. Reviewing the Waterfront Trail we decided on walking from Clarkson Go Station to Port Credit. After a walk along Southdown Rd we entered Meadowwood Park, Rattray Marsh and followed the path along the shoreline to Jack Darling Park. This was an excellent spot to have lunch complete with washrooms. From the park we walked along Lakeshore Drive to the Rhododendron Gardens and followed the shoreline again to Saddington Park entering into the centre of Port Credit. We found a suitable watering hole, The Pump House Grill. The beer went down particularly well after walking 13 km on a warm sunny day. Ann & I are hopeful that the members will support this new venture in May. The cost of the train fare is less than hiring a school bus. The ride is first class compared to those wretched yellow tin cans!

    Ann posing at the monument to Clarkson which was once the Strawberry Capital of Ontario.

                                                 Checking out the trail and the route

Rattray Marsh

Along the shoreline

Old Lake Steamer used as a breaker for the Harbour

Port Credit Lighthouse

Credit River meets Lake Ontario

Sunday 9 April 2017


On Sunday Barry & I met Tom Fiore's hiking group at the Grenadier Restaurant in High Park. About 60 of us took the opportunity to enjoy a Spring like day to walk around the Park.

Fortunately Tom is a master of the trails in the Park which wind about with lots of twists and turns. We visited the tribute to the "Birdman" who fed the birds daily until he passed away. Fortunately his friends carry on the tradition.

One of the hikers brought along her dog but he wasn't long before he had to be carried.

I managed to snap our intrepid leader while imparting his knowledge to the group

Before heading around the Humber Bay Tom paused to have his picture taken with these fine Ladies

We headed west along the Boardwalk and crossed over the Humber River Bridge.

We did a circular route around one of the Humber Bay Parks pausing at the Air India Memorial

Before heading back towards High Park we enjoyed the views from the park

We entered High Park climbing up to Colbourne Lodge

At the Lodge there were hundreds of families participating in an Easter Egg Hunt. Tom ended the 11 km hike here with cool down exercises for the group.

After the hike the Sicily group met for lunch at the Mackenzie Pub for a pre-trip get together