Wednesday 29 March 2017


65 Members met today's leader, Rene Laukat, at the Allen Gardens Greenhouse

We set off walking through Cabbage Town where Rene pointed the house she lived in when first coming to Canada

Soon we reached Riverdale Farm where members had another chance to "water their horse"

Moving along we walked through the Regents Park area which has almost been demolished
 and replaced with modern buildings

Similarly the area known as Corktown has several interesting artistic structures intermixed with modern condominiums

In contrast we entered the Distillery District again another opportunity to relieve a bunch of "Senior Bladders"

After feeding our faces at Loblaws on Lower Jarvis we headed west along Queens Quay and then up to the Steam Whistle Brewery to refill our bladders.

The last leg of the journey was to navigate our way to another Hostelry, The Wheatsheaf, where I was particularly pleased to find the beer glasses much bigger!

Rene wasn't sure at the start she could complete the 10+ km hike due to an injured knee. Mary Ayers and myself were ready to take over but like a trooper she made it all the way.

Sunday 26 March 2017


I decided to join Tom Fiore's hiking group today. It was a hike along the lake shore starting at Port Union Park. Unfortunately I had a senior moment and showed up for the hike almost an hour late! I managed to contact Tom and once I learned the direction they were travelling in I caught them up after walking my little legs off. Crossing over the East park Bridge the wind took my hat and blew it into the lake. The hike followed the lake in a westerly direction with a detour up and along Highland Creek. On the way back once we reached the lake again we braved the shoreline walking along the beach. Despite the temperature, the wind and a spot or two of rain I found the hike to be most invigorating. We did not stop for lunch so I ate my sandwich on the run. I messed up mapping the route and distance. I forgot to end the route and only remembered to do so when I was driving home along the 401. I figured I had walked approximately 11 km.

Wednesday 22 March 2017


Barry & I joined Dorit Zschape, the leader of today's Senior Hike, together with 57 members in total. We met at the Royal Ontario Museum on a cool but sunny day.

We walked South, first passing through Philosopher's Walk where bright red dresses had been hung from the trees. They symbolized the 12,000 Indigenous Women that have gone missing or been murdered.

Continuing South we walked through the U of T campus.

Kensington Market, Chinatown & The Garment District.

At the Lake we walked along the Harbour Front to our lunch spot at the George Brown cafeteria.

After lunch we walked North braving the icy winds despite the sunshine passing through St. Lawrence Market and the Cathedral.

Our final destination was the Imperial Library Pub on Dundas Street. A spacious comfy watering hole  that was eagerly greeted after a delightful 11.3 km walk through the downtown area.