Monday 15 June 2020


After checking out a new route on my bike I determined it would be a suitable GO Train Hike for the Club once the health restrictions are lifted. Ann, Jill & Barry joined me for the inaugural pre-hike.

Ann joined us later after a misunderstanding over the meeting time

The long distance social distancer's

Passing the street where Ann lived when coming to Canada

Part of the Waterfront Trail

"O Canada" Geese

Crossing the Baseball Field

Our lunch spot was at the scenic headland

The perfect lunch spot

We had a number birds joining us for lunch

A Red Winged Blackbird getting ready to dive bomb

Female Red Winged Blackbird. Quite different to a male just like humans!

Gulls give us an aerial display

After lunch we continued our walk and spotted the swans making a "Cygnet Ring"

Soon we arrived at the Historical Adamson Estate

The Gatehouse Folly

Leaving the estate the trail followed the back streets featuring many old and new expensive homes

At one of the homes we were invited in to view the garden. Initially we thought the cute cottage was the home but it turned out to be the garage!

A house nearby featured a beautiful Japanese Maple in the front garden

At Hurontario & Lakeshore we viewed "The Brogue" Pub which we hope to visit when we schedule the official hike

We caught the GO Train from Port Credit back to Long Branch. Barry drove us back to my place to enjoy a beer in the garden
The culmination of a great day's outing

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