Thursday 25 June 2020


I met Ann, Nirvana, Sharron & Grainne at Old Mill Station for a hike to James Gardens and back. It was a perfect day weather wise for walking along the Humber River Recreational Trail

The old folks at Old Mill

We proceeded along the east side of the River

Messing about on the river

Demonstrating Social Distancing

We crossed the Humber and continued through the woods on the west side of the River

A detour was necessary as the bridge had been washed away

We reached James Gardens to have our lunch

"Sitting Duck"

Sitting pretty!

"Feeding your face"

Phone before food

After lunch we walked through the gardens and climbed the stairs up to Edgehill Rd

Monument to the founders of James Gardens

Cat stuck in the tree!

Such a beautiful tree

Walking along Edgehill Rd we viewed these "modest" homes

We reached Royal York Road and took the ravine path down to the trail

On the phone to Lena!

 The view from the Dundas Street Bridge

Can you spot the face?

We didn't expect to come across a Bongo Player

The first day the pub patios opened we were there!

 A good day with good friends

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