Wednesday 2 October 2019


35 "Rainy Day People"met at the Locke Library for today's Senior Hike led by "Marathon Annie"

Ann tells it like it is

Up we go 

Down we go

No exercise for these guys except walking and talking

We can count on Liliane 

Walking through Alexander Muir Gardens

Walking under the bridge at Glengowan Road

"Rain Break"

It's an uphill climb

Entering Blythewood Ravine leading to Sherwood Park

Reaching Bayview Avenue

Taken from the bridge

Crossing the Bridge into the CNIB Centre

Heading towards Sunnybrook Park

Tar Leaf Spots of Norway Maple caused by different fungi

Big business Dog Walking

"Just walking in the Rain"

Walking through Glendon Forest

Up the steps to lunch at the Glendon College Cafeteria

Glendon Hall originally the home of the Wood Family

Down the steps after lunch

Retracing our steps back to Sunnybrook Park

Tackling the playing fields in Sunnybrook Park

Entering Serena Gundy Park

Girls in the Gully

A dryer looking group

Official end of the hike at Laird and Eglinton

Down the street to the Leaside Pub

Despite the soggy conditions it was another great day out. Thanks Ann for Guiding, Liliane for Counting and Phil and Tony for sharing the Sweep responsibilities.

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