Wednesday 9 October 2019


Such a beautiful Fall Day to take a walk through the woods and parkland leaving the streets and traffic behind

Charles Chaffey can be seen walking up to greet his fellow Seniors' 

Today we met at the entrance to Guildwood Station on Kingston Rd for the walk following the Highland Creek down to Lake Ontario

A short walk to the entrance of Morningside Park where Charles explained the day's order of play

Off we go with 51 members in "toe"

Water Break

Looking for Salmon

We came across a school sports day 

Taking the side trail up to the U of T Scarborough Campus

Instead of taking the steps for the final part of the climb we took the newly built Land Trail to the Campus Grounds. Very impressive indeed 

The meeting point after having lunch 

Leaving the grounds we unfortunately lost Liliane and Evelyn 

Picking our way down the ravine to the main trail

Pausing for closing ranks

Sun shines the righteous

We gathered at the tree the Club dedicated to its founder Dave Smith. Unfortunately the tree wasn't looking so healthy and may require some TLC

We wave good bye to the Waglands at Lawrence Avenue

We reach the Lake and head east to our final destination

Pickering Power Station can be seen in the distance

Super day thanks to Charles. Thanks to Phil for Sweeping for most of the hike and to Rosemary & Jutta for filling in at the end. Thanks to Liliane for Counting. Unfortunately she counted herself out at lunch. A most unfortunate incident for her and Evelyn. I did not join the few going to the Japanese Restaurant after the hike due to the time. I did however crack open a can of Sapporo when I got home

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