Wednesday 23 October 2019


A glorious Fall Day brought the members out in droves. 101 met at the East Don Parkland at the corner of Sheppard and Leslie. 3 more joined later to swell the number to 104. Possibly a record for the Club?

Rosemary had the task of leading and met the challenge in her usual efficient way

Rosemary relates today's itinerary to those prepared to listen

Off we go over the East Don River 

"Hold it right there"

Water Break

At this point we had to leave the trail due to the path ahead closed for sewer maintenance

So we took the long and winding road

That leads back to the trail

Love them leaves

Time for a spot of "Bushwacking"

From the top of hill we could see the Finch Recreational Trail. We would take this after lunch

We met a 92 year old man that would come out to greet past hikes with his friendly dog. Unfortunately the dog died but he still came out to say hello

Tripping the "Light Fantastic"

The last leg to the Cummer Community centre for lunch

Waiting to leave the Community Centre

A member "Jay Walks", No no!

Ah! there's the Jay Walker

Down the steps to the East Don Trail again heading south

Leaving the East Don Trail we head west along the Finch Recreational Trail

It's a bit of a hill climb

And worth taking a short cut

We had close to record number of pub goers at the Puck 'N Wings"

We thanked Rosemary and sang Happy Birthday for Ann's upcoming 75th

A good day out despite having to manage such a large group. Liliane worked in overtime doing the count. Charles did an excellent job at the back making sure everyone stayed together while Rosemary   kept the "Congo Line" moving

Wednesday 16 October 2019


Ann & I led today's GO Hike starting at Clarkson Station. We managed to entice 8 members to join us for a walk in the rain to Port Credit, including 3 new to the Club

After describing the route etc we ventured out 

Walking east along Lakeshore Blvd to Meadow Woods Rd

We reached the entrance to Rattray Marsh pausing for a group photo

We took the "Knoll Path" to get a closer view of the Marsh

We returned to the main path

Leaving the Marsh and heading into the Jack Darling Memorial Park

We found a picnic table with some shelter and took a hasty lunch

Leaving the Park and rejoining Lakeshore Blvd

Walking through the gardens we rejoined the Waterfront Trail

A murky view of downtown Toronto

Reaching J.C. Saddinton Park we headed towards Lakeshore Blvd in Port Credit

Happy Pub Goers

Unique crossing to the Pub

Because of the weather we felt a sense of accomplishment while drinking our beers and munching on sweet potato fries and fulfilling the Clubs edict of hiking no matter the weather. Thanks to Tony for Sweeping