Wednesday 5 June 2019


Despite the possibility of rain and the cost of the Go Train 18 members took the Waterfront Trail from Long Branch to High Park with Ann out front

A Commuter friendly Legion 

On the go from the Go

We paused at 45 Forty Second Street. The site of Ann's first home when she moved to Canada from the UK

The Red Wing Blackbirds were out chirping away and bombing around now that nesting time is upon us

Ann leads with her hands

On the "Lookout"

Birds Birds Birds

Starting to drizzle

The rain stops for a while 


Horsing around in the Park

Using the facilities, "We did it all at McDonalds"

Lunch is around the bend

Quite the "mini city" at Humber Bay 

Feeding frenzy at Amos Waites Park

Business Class section

Leaving the lunch spot it starts to rain. Several members decide to drop out

As we walked the Gulls moved along with us

Ann puts the height of the Condos in perspective

The site and origins of the name 

Arching our way across the Humber River Estuary 

"Should I go in or stay"

Crossing busy Lakeshore Blvd

Entering High Park and passing Colborne Lodge

More dropouts going directly to the pub so as to miss the "Raindeer"

"Wetting our whistle" and drying out at the same time while wishing Rosemary a Happy Birthday at Mackenzie's Pub. 

Despite getting soaked those that "hung in" to complete the 15 plus kilometres enjoyed the jaunt along literally the Waterfront. Thanks to Ann for her determination to stick to the programme and to Charles and Mary for sharing the sweep duties

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