Friday 6 July 2018


Feeling in the high 30's for today's Seniors' GO Hike. 31 heat lovers met at the Long Branch GO Station. 

Unfortunately the numbers dropped to 30. Poor Rose Jones injured her ankle and was forced to call it a day. Fortunately we heard later it was just a sprain and hopefully will be back on the trail next week

Ann gives the group their marching orders and Rene attempts an unruly count

"Nosey Parkers" seeing how the other half live

Ah! by the lake

Welcome water break

"Phew" another water break

Now that's a great spot to drink a beer!

Yours truly in action

A little beauty

Celebrating 100 years of Independence at the Polish Embassy

"Dog Tired" after celebrating Canada Day

Lunch? Are we there yet?

Made it in the shade

Picnic style

Allenna checking to make sure her ducks are in a row

Oh! to be on the water

"Condo City"

She's trippin' along

Patricia wants to know "are there yet"?

Humber Bay Arch Bridge built in 1994

Final break

Passing by Colborne Lodge in High Park

Dispelling the idiom "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"

Confirming the idiom "Drink like a fish" at Mackenzie's Pub

Understandably there was a few dropouts along the route. Fortunately we persuaded "Marathon Annie" not to take us by the zoo in High Park! Despite the heat and the distance everyone enjoyed the jaunt by the lake. Thanks to Ann for leading, Allenna for Sweeping and Rene for Counting. We missed you Rose

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