Wednesday 7 February 2018


On a snowy winters day with a temperature of -6 degrees 29 stalwart members gathered at York Mills Station

Our intrepid Leader, Rosemary complete in her beloved Peruvian Hat

We set off trudging through snow

We crossed Yonge Street via the underpass where Jane volunteered to Sweep and Liliane to count. Much appreciated Ladies

A glimpse of a winter wonderland from under the bridge

Around and up the steps to the other side of Yonge St

Crossing the busy intersection at Yonge & Wilson

Climbing the hill to the Don Valley Golf Course

Outside the Clubhouse it was time for putting on Icers and cursing!

Some of us are ready

Others not

"Bloody Icers"

Evelyn wins the best dressed hiker award

Down the hill to the Course

Over the bridge to Hole#1

Passing under the 401

The advance party

"Snow Break"

Breaking new ground

Up the hill to the reservoir

It's frozen!

Walking around the reservoir

Adjusting those wretched Icers

Heading for the woods in Earle Bales Park

Returning to the Golf Course

 Stanley can just be seen "slip streaming"

My kind of Christmas Tree

Posing for a hat photo

Heading back under the 401

Winterscape in Black & White


Climbing back up to the Clubhouse

Off with the Icers

Lunch at the York Mills Centre

Assembling the Troops

The long climb up to the  Anglican Church of St. John's

It sure was a long 'un

Eureka, I see the Church

The Church has just celebrated it's Bicentennial making it the second oldest in Toronto

Doing my impression of Clergyman

Heading towards the  401 underpass

Condo's Galore

A rare photo of the Club's Hiking Co-ordinators together, my boss is on the left 

Lillian in her neck of the woods

Paused for a reflection in a glass building

Ain't she proud with a Avenue named after her

Rosemary's Abode

Finally we jump in for a pint

We sat upstairs in the "Swamp". We loved it

Such a happy group of friends

Without doubt, no one would have imagined at the start how much we have enjoyed Rosemary's hike. She led us through a winter wonderland and kept us in suspense leading us to the Pub. And what a perfect spot to end a memorable day. Rosemary, you did us proud. 

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