Wednesday 14 February 2018


A beautiful sunny Valentine's day with plus degree temperatures added to the enjoyment of this weeks Senior Hike. Our leader, Rene Laukat, fresh from her holiday must have brought the sunshine with her

66 members turned out to cause a diversion at the Davisville Station

C'mon let's block the path

Rene gives the group the info for the day and welcomes Kevin's friend Paul as a new member

Setting off after Kevin volunteers once more to sweep and the ever eager Liliane volunteers to count

Taking the Beltline west

Winter at it's best

Care's required when crossing Oriole Parkway

"Am I the only one wanting go?

Coming to the end of the Beltline

Posing for the group

Crossing Eglinton Avenue

Trail through the ravine

Rene stops to remove a salt pellet from her boot

Climbing out the ravine

Lunch at Loblaws gathered around the piano

On our way leaving Loblaws

View of Casa Loma

Taking care coming down the steps into the ravine

All of a sudden our hike turns into a CNIB one

Yolanta looking the part

A Chicken Hangout!
A picturesque street art

Even more picturesque

Happy Hikers making friends and exchanging emails

Kevin and Frances enjoying a pint together

Many thanks to Rene for leading after returning home last night. Such a beautiful winter day was enjoyed by all especially hiking through the Beltline and Cedarvale Park. Thanks to Kevin and Liliane for volunteering and to The Quail for making us so welcome

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