Wednesday 17 January 2018


At the last minute Ann Atkins and myself led today's Senior Hike. Unfortunately Kevin Doyle who normally leads this hike was feeling under weather with flu like symptoms. Ironically we had led this hike last July when Kevin had fallen pre-hiking and injured his shoulder. Unfortunately we had made a wrong turn at that time and left a few folks stranded in Sherwood Park. Consequently, Ann and I met at Starbucks earlier today to ensure we were conversant with the route. We did not want to make the same mistake again! The meeting point at Mount Pleasant Rd and Eglinton Avenue was a "Dogs Breakfast" in terms of construction and members were scattered around the intersection. Eventually we corralled all 55 participants and walked up to the entrance of Sherwood Park where we explained about Kevin's demise and the day's itinerary.

It was down hill from there

You've gotta love the dogs

Such a beautiful sunny day to walk along the snow covered trail

Looking towards Blythewood Ravine Park 

Reaching the steps at Alexander Muir Park. Unfortunately I dropped my camera in the snow which caused condensation on the lense 

Up the  steps to street level where we walked through Lawrence Park along Dawlish and St.Leonards Avenues to Bayview

At the entrance to Glendon College where we had our lunch

In the cafeteria we met up with The Turtles where Irene was wondering who drank her coffee! By the look on Merel's face it could have been her.

There was some kind of Student Fair taking place so we all jammed into one corner of the cafeteria

After lunch it was down the steps and over the playing fields to pick up the trail to Sunnybrook Park

The trail following the West Don River was tricky in spots

Took a telephoto shot from my new iPhone

I loved the Chocolate Labrador

Not the time for skinny dipping

Climbing up the hill out of Sunnybrook Park

Daisy showing the young'uns the way

Room for a thin'un

Crossing the bridge over Bayview Avenue

Entering Mount Hope Cemetery

In the dead of winter!

Leaving the Cemetery we made our way to the finishing point at Mount Pleasant Rd and Eglinton Avenue

Now for the good part. A solid turnout of 25 enjoyed their beer and sweet potato fries at the Granite Brewery. (another photo taken with my iphone in panoramic mode)

Tony expresses the groups appreciation of today's outing 

Thank you Phil for sweeping up to lunch and Liliane for counting. Ann and I certainly appreciate the thumbs up for today's hike. Finally we all wish Kevin a speedy recovery.

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