Wednesday 6 June 2018


A coolish morning greeted today's Seniors' as they gathered at Leslie and Sheppard for Rosemary's hike along the East Don River and Finch Recreational Trail 

63 Hares and 3 Turtles listened as Rosemary explained the details of the hike. Well some of them did!

I was so pleased to be able to photograph the Turtles Merel and Norma with Donna, their guest for the day. It's not very often that such opportunities occur

Leaving the Turtles I hastily made my way up to the front of the Hares 

Rosemary & Doris looked pleased to see me?

East Don River flowing South

Marching along 

The mandatory water break

Rosemary's no slouch when it comes to climbing hills

Mary looking coy as she suddenly appears through foliage

Getting ones breath back after the climbing the hill

Rosemary strides off "wishing me luck as she waves goodbye"

Seniors' version of a steeplechase

Lunch at the Cummer Community Centre. Some of the group required to be fenced in as they can be extremely violent while eating

These more gentle folk were allowed to roam freely

Lunch over Rosemary musters the troops

Taking the steps down to the East Don path again

Tony S was able to make it down because he hadn't been to the pub yet

About to leave the East Don Path

Rosemary welcomes the group to the Finch Recreational Trail

The long winding hill

Getting close to Yonge and Finch, the termination of the hike

A good turnout at the Puck & Wings 

Getting Michael to smile!

23 members thanked Rosemary for getting them to the pub on time and for a most enjoyable hike through her neck of the "Woods". Thanks to Big Phil for sweeping and being easily seen at the back and of course Liliane for counting

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