Wednesday 7 March 2018


59 "Keeners" met at Queens Quay and Yonge St for todays Senior Hike

Off we go to listen to Mary

Preaching to the Flock

Off we go with Mary & Stanley hand in hand

 Passing Sugar Beach

Which Way?

Seniors under construction

Heading down Cherry Street

The only building of note on Cherry Street

Except for a pee at T&T

Cherry Beach and the Martin Goodman Trail

Negotiating through the snow

Clear sailing

Some winter colour

 A Bridge Not Too Far from lunch

Now what shall I do?

Waiting for the rear end

Impressive TTC Building

Crossing Lakeshore for the lunch stop

Lunch over as we assemble to go to the Beach

Waiting for the others

Back on the Trail

Taking a shortcut to the Beach

Desert Storm

Winter Station "Make some Noise"

Winter Station "Wind Station"

Winter Station "Obstacle"

Seniors creating an obstacle

Winter Station "Nest"

Winter Station "Rising Up"

Winter Station "Revolution"

 Rene starting her own Revolution

Winter Station "Pussy Hut"

After viewing those contemporary "odd ball" structures we retired to more traditional surroundings at The Gull & Firkin Pub where we could relate and appreciate the art of drinking

Ann's looking for her Blue Moon, Mohammad's sniffing Horse Radish and Rose is Meditating and we thought the winter stations were "old ball"

Happier times

"Ceasar jolly good fellow"

"President's Table"

In her absence we thanked Mary for leading such a well organized hike. So much so even the participants were well behaved. Despite the dull old day the walk brightened our day. Thanks
to Dorit for being the Sweep and Liliane for the Count

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