Wednesday 28 March 2018


Members met at the Pioneer Village Station. Today's hike was a pleasant one following the Black Creek as it winds it's way from Pioneer Village to Jane & Wilson. The day started cloudy and cool but warmed up to 10 degrees when the sun came out.

The usual TTC slowdowns meant standing around waiting for those that were delayed

Eventually we set off to Pioneer Village with Claire Bergeron leading. Claire had not led this hike since 2013 due to knee problems. Consequently, many of the newer members had not experienced  this hike before. It certainly was a case of "If you go down in the woods today your'e sure of a big surprise". It did not disappoint. 

Entering Pioneer Village for info on the day from Claire and to use the facilities

Ann forging ahead to check out the facilities

Now "wee" feel good

Claire takes the stage

Info for the day and please stay behind me!

Meeting up with "Tony Parker"

Entering the Black Creek Parkland and meeting up with President Ilo. Now we are 56 in total

Black Creek

"Happy Wanderer's"

Community planting area

Black Creek

Up the hill to Finch Ave

After crossing Finch Claire leads us into Derrydowns Park

"Mob Rules"

Black Creek

Steppin' out

Mind the twigs

Up the hill for lunch

Northwood Community Centre

Dining in style

Top Table

"It's downhill after lunch"

Informal group shot

Formal group shot

Crossing busy Sheppard Avenue into Downsview Dells Park

You can't miss Doris

Claire makes sure they no their place is at the back but Patricia try to sneak on the inside!

Water break

Kevin the trusty "Sweep" taking care of business

Bunch of Posers

A long way from the Airport

Yours truly in "plane" sight

The Pub

"Pub Goers"

Well done Claire. Always ready to smile even while icing her knee

The route

The participants gave a big cheer to Claire for a lovely days outing. She is a credit to the club. Despite her knee problem she continues to lead where others would capitulate. Thanks also to Kevin once more for being a conscientious Sweep and Rene for counting. Thank you Ann for taking my photo

Wednesday 14 March 2018


55 Crew Members met at the Island Ferry Docks on a rather chilly day caused by the wind coming from the north. The "Island Queen", Donna Dankesreiter, today's Leader welcomed every able body on board

These hardy types made sure the boat was heading in the right direction

We reached the Wards Island Dock without incident

Doug "The Landlubber" is first to set foot on dry land

Gathering around Donna

Donna "tells it like it is" and is adamant about sharing the path

Merel suggests the Pole for any offenders

And off we go

One of the older homes on Wards Island

Romance on the Beach

Passing our Summer Picnic spot currently under renovation

Crossing over to Algonquin Island

Shops at Algonquin 

City View

Country View

Lake View

How to avoid being "ticked off"

Shelter from the wind on the Boardwalk

The Lonely Leader

 A "Senior Dash" for a lunch spot

Lunch with the Turtles

Dressed for Al Fresco Dining

The men's washroom was being repaired! Men can be seen waiting to use the Women's facilities

Kevin emerges looking unhappy about the experience unlike Irene who seems amused

Back on the trail with happy hearts and empty bladders

 Ice can be beautiful

The Congregation on their way to the Pub

In the Warming Shed waiting for the Ferry

Derby & Joan

 Happy Counter

The Gang in Seventh Heaven at the Firkin on Harbour

No map this week due to my stupidity. Big thanks to Donna for making our day an enjoyable one. She sure knows the Islands. Thanks to our regular Sweep and Counter, Dorit and Liliane respectively