Wednesday 4 January 2017


We met up with Tony Asrilen, our crazy hike leader, at Warden & St.Clair. 37 members participated in the extremely cold conditions. The wind from the west was gusting making the windchill unbearable at times. We were unable to take the planned route through Warden Woods due to the icy conditions. We did traverse through Dentonia Golf Course and Taylor Creek Park where the path became extremely icy. Icers were definitely needed which are fiddling to put on and take off. Not a popular task for most members. Those that did not have them slowed the pace down considerably. We stopped for lunch at the East York Community Centre and break from the cold. Because of the change from the original route Tony was leading by the seat of his pants navigating along various streets to our destination. It was obvious from his indecisiveness he had not pre-hiked the route. Walking along Mortimer was most uncomfortable. I wasn't feeling very well and beginning to think the C-Diff was still in my system so I hopped the bus for the final part of the walk to Broadview. We hiked a distance of 11 km.

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