Monday 31 October 2016


I decided to visit Calke Abbey in Derbyshire England. I walked around photographing the out buildings and then took the 3.5 km trail around the estate. This took my the Deer park and views of Stuanton Harold Reservoir. Eventually the Abbey came into view  after I passed St. Giles Church. It was a pleasant walk offering several photographic opportunities. The weather was unusually sunny and warm.

Sunday 30 October 2016


The walk today was similar to the one on October 20th when I walked into the centre of Leicester. This time I started out from Syston where my brother lives which added a few more kilometres, totalling 14 km. After getting through the town of Syston I picked up the extensive pedestrian and bike trails through Watermead Country Park. From there I followed the river and canal paths into the centre of Leicester. I couldn't resist having a Bitter Shandy so I barrelled into the Highcross Pub.

Thursday 20 October 2016


I started my walk into the centre of Leicester from Watermead Country Park. The path follows the River Soar and the Canal passing by the Space Centre and Abbey Park. I reached the West Bridge area where Leicester's oldest railway station opened in 1832, part of the Leicester to Swannington Railway originally built for transporting coal. On Kate Street I found the Leicester City Football Club Murals. I then walked through Castle Gardens to the Magazine and found another mural with Thailand motifs. (The football club owners are from Thailand). My walk took 2 hours to complete the 9 km including stops for photographs.

Monday 17 October 2016


Leicestershire, like most counties in the UK has some wonderful countryside. My hike started in the main car park at Bradgate Park in Newtown Linford. I took the path leading up to the north west corner of the park past the folly, Old John. A short walk along Benscliffe Road where I found the Leicestershire Round Path which crossed over the Lingdale golf course. Eventually I came to a road leading to Woodhouse Eaves. This is where I messed up. Instead of continuing further along the road I took the earlier path which took me on a circular route around Broombriggs Farm. I failed to find the path leading to Beacon Hill which was my original plan. My only option now was to retrace my steps back to the starting point. What should have transpired had I found the correct path to Beacon Hill was to continue to Ulverscroft Priory following a different path into Newtown Linford. I did enjoy the 12.3 km walk despite buggering up and being somewhat disappointed loosing my way.

Friday 14 October 2016


Rutland, the smallest county in England has a huge man made reservoir . The area was deliberately flooded in the 1970's and it's used for drinking water and recreational purposes such as fishing and boating etc. From the village of Hambleton there is 9.3 km trail around the peninsula which forms  part of the lake. It took me 2 hours including stops to take photographs to complete the walk. While the path was compacted gravel it required vigilance to avoid stepping in to sheep droppings. Afterwards a well earned pint of Old Speckled Hen in The Finch's Arms went down a treat.