Monday 18 April 2016


I met Ann and Jill at Davisville Station for a pre-hike for this Wednesday's Senior Hike. Unfortunately Rene, the leader, is unable to attend. Ann as usual will take over and lead us to the promised land. Today it was a bit like the blind leading the blind. When we reached Mt. Pleasant Cemetery we had difficulty finding the path leading down to the David Balfour Ravine. Once on the right path I was delighted how picturesque the trail was. When we reached Mt. Pleasant and Roxborough we were unsure about continuing along the path or walking on the street. It was decided to take the street route through Rosedale seeing how the other half live. We crossed the bridge over Rosedale valley Road and walked along Bloor Street to Parliament Street. We had lunch at Riverdale Park. After lunch we headed towards the Don River Trail. Unfortunately we took the wrong path and spent time exploring several paths leading nowhere. Eventually we got back on track and it was plain sailing to the Keating Channel Pub at Cherry Street. With all our little detours we covered 12.5 km.

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