Thursday 28 April 2016


I picked Ann up from Islington Subway for our exploratory hike around the Forks of the Credit Provincial Park. We wanted to assess the suitability for a potential Seniors Bus Hike in July. We walked to view the Cataract Falls which turned out to be a steep path to climb. The viewing platform was closed for repairs. After seeing the falls, which I found somewhat disappointing plus, graffiti
 everywhere,  we returned to follow the Credit River downstream. We took a side trail to bring us back to the car park. It turned out to be a challenge physically. It was steep with steps and a hand rope  for the first part and then a long climb to the top of the hill. Next, we encountered a style to clamber over and eventually found another side trail that led us directly to the car park. Ann and I enjoyed the challenge of the trails, which were scenic most of the time, but concluded it would be too tough for some of the members.

Wednesday 27 April 2016


A cool but sunny day for our first Senior Bus Hike for 2016 at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. We were unable to book a school bus for a later week when the trilliums would be in full bloom. Today we could only view them in their budding stage. The disappointment was appeased by sighting deer, blue jays and hawks. 34 members plus 8 Turtle members paid the $15 fare to enjoy the 11 km scenic walk through the park.

Thursday 21 April 2016


I attended the second Hike Leaders Appreciation Dinner. It was held for the leaders that were unable to attend the first one. Again, it was a pleasant and enjoyable three course early bird meal for $15. Unfortunately it ended in a bit of a fiasco over the bill. There was a number of discrepancy which seem to take an age to rectify.

Wednesday 20 April 2016


After Monday's pre-hike Ann, Jill and I nailed the route on another beautiful day. 70 folks showed up, consequently the group was struggling out most of the time. Front runner Ann kept up the pace making it most enjoyable compared the dawdling by other leaders. We had lunch at Riverdale Park and finished the 11 km hike down the Don to the Keating Channel Pub.

Monday 18 April 2016


I met Ann and Jill at Davisville Station for a pre-hike for this Wednesday's Senior Hike. Unfortunately Rene, the leader, is unable to attend. Ann as usual will take over and lead us to the promised land. Today it was a bit like the blind leading the blind. When we reached Mt. Pleasant Cemetery we had difficulty finding the path leading down to the David Balfour Ravine. Once on the right path I was delighted how picturesque the trail was. When we reached Mt. Pleasant and Roxborough we were unsure about continuing along the path or walking on the street. It was decided to take the street route through Rosedale seeing how the other half live. We crossed the bridge over Rosedale valley Road and walked along Bloor Street to Parliament Street. We had lunch at Riverdale Park. After lunch we headed towards the Don River Trail. Unfortunately we took the wrong path and spent time exploring several paths leading nowhere. Eventually we got back on track and it was plain sailing to the Keating Channel Pub at Cherry Street. With all our little detours we covered 12.5 km.

Wednesday 13 April 2016


A beautiful day for our Senior Hike, so much so, we had 64 members participate in Rosemary's 11 km hike along the East Don Parkland. We started at Sheppard and Leslie, lunched at the Cummer Centre and then walked along the Finch corridor to Yonge Street. A pint at the Puck & Wings rounded out an enjoyable day