Wednesday 30 March 2016


Today's Senior Hike of 54 members was a comparatively short one of 9.5 km. Mary Ayers led her usual circular route down the path to the Neilson Park Creative Centre and then back and up to the Centennial Greenhouse for lunch. After lunch we continued through the park trail to Burnhamthorpe Road. From there it was a short walk east to the Markland Pub in the Burnhamthorpe Plaza.

Wednesday 23 March 2016


Toronto Islands was the destination for our 12 km Senior's walk today. Due to the weather forecast and having to eat lunch outside reduced the number of participants to 13 members. The Turtles, including Merel, were only four. Ann Atkins led the hike due to Donna being stuck in Calgary. Ann set a great pace making the hike one of the most enjoyable for me. The weather remained dry despite the forecast. After returning on the Ferry we had an enjoyable pint in the nearby Fox Pub.

Monday 21 March 2016


Helen & I joined Darlene McKee's Hiking Group at their stop for coffee at The Brickworks. Unfortunately it turned out to be an extended break as they discussed matters concerning the Camino Trail. We decided to leave before the group had finished but managed to meet up with them along the trail. Darlene led us through the Todmorden Mills area finishing in a steep climb out of the valley to reached Broadview Avenue. We thanked Darlene and looked for a pub for lunch. Helen treated me as it was my birthday. We ate at the Factory Girl on Danforth Avenue.

Wednesday 16 March 2016


Today's Senior hike was the same as the pre-hike that I accompanied Jill Cobb & Ann Atkins on the Saturday prior. However, the weather was certainly very different, windy and cool to start and followed by pouring rain. Normally we would eat lunch in the nearby school but due to it being March Break it was closed. As you can see from the picture below everyone crowded in to the gazebo  to eat. My sandwich from Subway turned out to be a soggy mess. After lunch I decided to "Duck Out" as my pants & shoes were soaked. The other stalwarts continued on to Merel's house for a bowl of warming soup.

Saturday 12 March 2016


Ann Atkins, Jill Cobb and I pre-hiked this coming Wednesday's Senior Hike. We walked through the Donalda Golf Course and up to Graydon Hall. Here, I dropped out due to time restraints and walking  12 km back to the start at Don Mills & Lawrence. As you can see I like taking pictures of golf courses.