Wednesday 6 November 2019


Today's Leaders, Evelyn & Patricia led their signature hike along the Don Mills Trail. They are seen here earlier doing a pre-hike in relevant solitude. Little did they know about their popularity with the Club Members

Today's meeting place, McDonalds at York Mills & Leslie was overrun with excited Seniors 

Outside the Leaders greeted everyone and gave them their marching orders

Time to leave the Golden Arches in peace

Crossing over York Mills to pick up the Trail

Patricia calls for single file for the count

Liliane is overjoyed with the members co-operating while she counts up to 94!

Heading south down the Trail

Leaving the Trail for a short detour via Bond & Duncairn Parks

Re-grouping to join the Trail again

Traffic jam to cross Lawrence Avenue

They marched them down

And marched them back again

Crossing Don Mills at Barber Greene Rd

A rare smile from the "Grouch"waiting for the group to cross

Lunch at Loblaws

Passing the entrance to the Aga Khan Museum

Heading North on the East Don Trail

Hanging stones show the river water levels over previous years

Crossing over the East Don River

Leaving the East Don Trail and taking the Tunnel to the Moccasin Trail

Aliens from another planet

Leaving the trail and finishing up at the Shops at Don Mills

The Ladies always get changed to go the pub

31 members found conciliation in a bottle

Once again Evelyn & Patricia did the group proud, especially managing such a large crowd! They kept the group together with the assistance of Tony Arislen as the "Sweep". Thanks to Liliane for her counting duties