Wednesday 3 April 2019


It was a cool blustery day around 6 degrees but it did not deter 57 Seniors making the north easterly journey to the starting point at Tim Hortons at the corner of Steeles & Don Mills

Happy Hiking Co-ordinators

Setting off after a snow squall blew through

Away from the traffic Monica welcomed several new members and gave the group the scoop on today's hike

Ann reflects on life in general

Liliane squeezes the group between the hedge and the mailbox to facilitate an accurate count

She would dearly love to have a sign like this

And I would love to have this one to rave about

Entering Duncan Creek Park part of the Leslie Greenbelt

Surprise Surprise, we meet up with Turtles coming towards us

Leaving the park at Don Mills Rd

Quick break

Following the Hydro Lines from Duncan Mills Road to Leslie Street

Stanley demonstrates how low he can go

Cheating doing the Limbo

Waiting  for the rear guard

There they are! Unfortunately Agnes wasn't feeling very well so they helped her to catch the bus

The lunch spot

Lunch pics galore!

Irene is seen waiting for a fly

At least I'm happy having eaten a sandwich at Subway

Waiting for the off!

Heading out

Making our way to the East Don Parkland Trail

On the Trail heading north to Steeles and Leslie

German Mills Creek

Rear Views

Some, including yours truly, crossed Leslie Street by mistake

Making amends and meeting back up with the main group

Crossing Steeles and continuing along Leslie

Arriving at German Mills Settlers Park

A bunch of Settlers

Back on the East Don Parkland Trail heading to Berczy Wycliffe Park

Liz leading the way out of the Park

The backs of colourful mailboxes

Old School House circa 1814, now a Daycare

Spotting Elvis in the house

Entering the park along the McLaren trail

Tom strides to the finishing line

It was necessary to car pool to reach The Owl & Firkin Pub. Unfortunately we owe a sincere apology to Jackie & Robin who were unable to secure a ride. Instead of adhering to Monica's instructions the car drivers scooted off! We may, or may not, have been able to squeeze Jackie & Robin in. A further screw up on my part was my camera setting. It was set on Night Scene resulting in my pub pics being suitable for the trash bin only. The photo of the pub was taken on a previous hike

Yolanta's pic is the only one to record the happy hour

We must thank Monica. She leads her hikes at decent pace but at the same time is always conscious of the entire group. Her designated Posts ensure everyone stays on course. Thanks again to Kevin who deserves the "Gold Broom" for Sweeping and also to Liliane, Counter Extraordinaire