Wednesday 27 July 2016


This weeks Senior Hike was the annual summer picnic at the Sunshine Club on the Toronto Islands. We boarded the Hanlon's Point ferry and walked to the Club on Wards Island. After a hamburger lunch we walked with determination to the Marina Pub for a pint. It was such a hot day. 80 members attended the picnic, not everyone walked which covered a distance of 8 km. Barry and I returned home on the GO Train vowing not to use the subway after experiencing this mornings journey. It was disgustingly hot, just like riding in the Amazon Jungle.

Wednesday 20 July 2016


Barry & I led today's Senior Hike along the Mimico Creek starting from the Islington Subway Station. We had 54 participants and a few dropouts. The route including the walk to the pub covered a distance of 12 km. It was a beautiful day so 20 of us enjoyed our refreshments at the St. James Gate Pub. This was the second time we had led this hike and it was hailed a "keeper" by the members who especially enjoyed the ambiance of the pub.

Wednesday 13 July 2016


My first Senior Hike after being away for 6 weeks. It was a bus a hike that Ann Atkins and I led at Bellfountain and the Forks of the Credit Provincial Park. It was the hottest day of the year with humidex values over 40 degrees. The bus ride was a chore in it self with no air conditioning. There were 39 members on the bus including 12 Turtle members that did the shorter hike around Kettle Lake. The main group started Bellfountain along the Trimble Trail. When we reached the road at Dominion Street I phoned the bus driver to pick a member up who was struggling because of the challenging trail and holding the the rest of the group up. We carried on through Brimstone and picked up the Bruce Trail to our lunch spot in the park by the river. After lunch we climbed up the hill and wound our way to the bus in the parking lot. A total of 8 km with generous amounts of elevation changes was achieved. Back in the city a group of us hit Orwells Pub for a well earn't pint.

This photo taken by Ann prompted me to loose weight. Barry can be seen thinking "Fat Bastard".